Continuum 8!

This year is moving at an insane crazy pace. Need proof? Continuum is only a few days away! See, crazy!

I made a belated decision to go this year, but that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to it. No sireee.

Jo’s very rough plan for Continuum:

Thursday: Get up f**-off scary early. Long drive

Friday: Busy in the morning pretending to be *cough* I mean, being an author. But not a whole lot more until the con kicks off in the afternoon. Anyone wanna hang out? I’d love to visit Notions Unlimited, surely public transport would take me there!

Saturday: 9am ‘Take the pebble from my hand’ – heckle Kaaron Warren from the back of the room while she’s talking about being a mentor (she was mime, so I am totally allowed to do this. In fact, she has endorsed the plan)

2pm ‘Ishtar Launch’ – Finally buy this amazing anthology, hug it tightly

3pm ‘Reading’ – with my fellow FableCroft authors. Bask in their awesomeness. Hope some of it rubs off on me

6pm ‘ASIM 10th Birthday/Light Touch Paper Stand Clear’ launch’ – more basking in the amazing glow of amazing authors. Also, I have a story in this anthology. Apparently, there will be cake

Sunday: 4pm ‘Launch of Bread and Circuses by Felicity Dowker’ – buy this book, get it signed. Hug it also. There’s a lot of book hugging going on in my plan

5pm: ‘Hey I Game Too!’ – I’m actually on a panel! We’re a group of women, and we love games. So there!

8pm – ‘Awards Ceremony’. It’s okay, I probably will have had enough gin by then

Monday – another long drive, back again. Today I bought driving snacks. Might need to get more before Monday


So, there you have it. In between I will be going to panels, hanging out at the bar, and stalking… ah, I mean… talking to a whole heap of absolutely amazing writers. Oh, and I have it under pretty good authority that copies of Debris will be available and I would be absolutely thrilled if anyone asked me to sign one.

Also, I have bookmarks! They’re very pretty!

Come say hi, and you can totally have one.


  1. Oh! Awesome bookmarks, I wish I could come see you and get my book signed too ! Too far away 🙁 Well, you have a French fan ^^ I loved “Debris” !

    1. Oh, how exciting! Yay, I’m so glad you enjoyed Debris. I might just have to visit France then! 😉

      Pity about the distance, but I could definitely send you a bookmark if you’d like one! Send me an email (through the About Me page) and let me know!


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