Category: debris

This in an intervention

“We need to talk.” Jolted out of the book I’m writing, I turn to see most of Tanyana’s debris collecting team standing in the doorway to the study. Miza and Uzdal in front, arms crossed, wearing identical unimpressed expressions. Sofia pokes her head out from behind Uzdal, obviously unsure about the whole thing. Natasha, as …

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Quick linkage!

The lovely David McDonald has been kind enough to invite me to this weeks ‘Wednesday Writer’s’ over at his blog. My writerly advice? DON’T stick that butt in the chair… (at least, not all the time)! Click the link to find out wtf I could possibly be talking about 🙂 I’ve also seen a lovely review …

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Meanwhile, in a bookshop…

They look rather nice together like that, don’t they! (Awesome shelf-talker helps!)

Continuum and Octopuses and Costumes, Oh My!

or ‘what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks’ I know this is way late, but I have an excuse! Convention-flu. Let me take you back in time, before too much wine, not enough sleep, and an over-reliance on take away food turned me into the croaky, slouching creature you see before you. Back …

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Continuum 8!

This year is moving at an insane crazy pace. Need proof? Continuum is only a few days away! See, crazy! I made a belated decision to go this year, but that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to it. No sireee. Jo’s very rough plan for Continuum: Thursday: Get up f**-off scary early. Long drive …

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