Tag: life rambling

Holidays don’t last long enough, do they?

Well, we’re back from our far-too-brief holiday down the south coast. I’m in moping mode. Returning to the city always depresses me. We stayed in a lovely house close to the coast a good five hours south of Sydney. It was beautiful and peaceful and we had ourselves a lovely time. Gully the dog joined …

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Tales that certainly feel long ago

Reading one of Graham‘s recent posts started me thinking about writing stories. Not the act of writing, I mean stories about writing. I have never almost stopped writing, so I don’t have one of those stories to tell. But I can clearly place the moment I realised I wanted to write. And not only write, …

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A little gem of wisdom

This is it, people. Revelation time. Guess what? Writing is hard. That’s right. Hard. It’s hard to sit at a computer when everyone else is taking the day off. It’s hard to look at a plot point or a sentence or a paragraph you love so much and concede it has to go. It’s hard …

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Tonight I appear to be procrastinating by doing stomach crunches and push-ups while listening to Black Sabbath. Yeah, I’d also like to know who I am and what I’ve done with me… Anyone got any less energetic procrastinating tools they can recommend?

Out of sorts

I have been out of sorts for the past week. Not quite under the weather, but worse than just okay. Definitely out of sorts. Out of sortsiness manifests itself as an inability to sleep during the usual sleeping hours. It also tends to produce trouble typing, trouble talking, and real difficulty concentrating on anything. I …

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