And then I get to sleep, right?

Blurg, what a day. After a stormy night we woke up this morning to a leak in the lounge room ceiling and a cat with an upset tummy. (The same cat who spent all night yowling at us like we were supposed to, somehow, magically make her feel better, right now!) So I’ve spent the day on the phone to theĀ insuranceĀ people, then took Chess to and from the vet. Seems she has a kitty gastro bug, hopefully something some nice simple food and a little TLC can fix. Here’s hoping the ceiling is that easy!

Add this to an already stressful time at work and I’m struggling with the words tonight. Won’t meet my target, but I’ll be happy if I just get something down on screen. And then bed. SLEEEP. Precious sleep.


  1. Aw, *hugs*

    Hope the kitty feels better soon, and that leak gets repaired right away!

  2. Thank you!! *hugs back*

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