Category: short stories

2011 Australian Shadows Award

It’s very exciting to report that both The Sea at Night and Out Hunting for Teeth have received honourable mentions in the 2011 Australian Shadows Award. Congratulations to the winners — particularly Dead Red Heart! — and all the honourable mentions — including Midnight Echo 6!

Continuum 8!

This year is moving at an insane crazy pace. Need proof? Continuum is only a few days away! See, crazy! I made a belated decision to go this year, but that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to it. No sireee. Jo’s very rough plan for Continuum: Thursday: Get up f**-off scary early. Long drive …

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A teaser from A Memory Trapped In Light

I wasn’t going to submit to Epilogue (then known by it’s temporary name, Apocalypse Hope) because I just didn’t have any idea what to write. Epilogue is an anthology of post-apocalyptic stories where there is hope for the future, and hope is hard. I’m all for dark and depressing, twisted, sad, even nasty. But hopeful? I didn’t …

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A teaser from The Bone Chime Song

Light Touch Paper Stand Clear is due for release in June — it will hopefully be launched at Continuum in Melbourne. Edited by Edwina Harvey and Simon Petrie, and published by Peggy Bright Books, I was intrigued by its concept from the very beginning: “Nothing happens without some initial impetus or spark. But it’s also …

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Retold fairy tales

Once upon a time, stories ended happily ever after. Or did they? Like your fairy tales a little bit… different? My friend Rabia has released a collection of retold fairy tales on the Kindle and Nook. Shattered: broken fairy tales is a great collection — I know this because I’ve been lucky enough to read it …

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