Category: Writing

A full (and at times crazy) weekend

I’ve done a lot of sleeping this afternoon, and I don’t feel guilty. Not in the least. Because this weekend has been full, and at times crazy. It all started Friday morning, with a strange squeaking noise in my car. While the noise had been there, in the background, for a few days it had …

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How do you know when to listen to yourself?

Say you’re writing a short story, or a book, and that little internal editor voice starts nattering away. How do know when to listen to it, and when to throw stuff at it until it shuts up? Ever had that “I already knew this” feeling, when looking through your beta-reader’s notes? Like, if you’d just …

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Kinda like Alien just without the chest-burstyness

So, I’m incubating a novel. This wasn’t an unplanned novel incubation, so the symptoms aren’t all that surprising. I knew the story I wanted to write next. I have worldbuilding ideas scribbled in a notebook and I met the main character and her dog a few months ago. But only recently, like in the past …

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Fun with words

My writing buddy and Toughest Critiquer Ever (TM), Rabia Gale, and I were having a serious discussion about serious topics the other day. We talked about the difference in the legal drinking age in Aus and the US, and the impacts of problem drinking. This led to a dissection of the social pressures behind things …

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It, like, validates my existence

Oh hey, check it out, I seem to have an author page all of my very own over at Angry Robot Books. Guess that means I DO exist! (and should probably stop procrastinating and get back to writing this short story…)