Draft the second is officially DONE. Completed. OVER.
New word count comes in at 116,600 up from 113,100. But, the most telling part? I cut (ready for this?) almost 20,000 words of crap. So that means that I also wrote 23,000 new words of not crap. Oh, how I hope they’re not crap.
This is actually a good thing. Right at the moment I am so hot and so tired and have too-much-computer-screen eyes, so it’s getting a little difficult to look on the bright side, but I know there is one. Most of what I changed in this draft was from a very messy middle section. I revealed a few secrets that I had initially planned to reveal in the next book, and I think that has added a whole heap of extra conflict and some new, interesting dynamics. Also sliced out a whole plot point that made very little sense. Yeah, it’s not perfect yet. Beginning needs some more work. Ending too. But this is a stronger, tighter book. I’m certain of it.
I just need a few days away from it now.
So, the plan? I’m going to relax for a few days and catch up on some beta-reading. Then, I think I will reread Debris before I launch into draft the third, you know, just to touch base with the plot and the tone of the first book to ensure Suited is consistent. Then I’ll roll up my sleeves, sharpen the scissors again, and get back into it!
(Also, yeah, I know I haven’t blogged in almost a month. But… revisions… but… yeah, no excuse. Even my husband has told me that’s not good enough. Guess I need to touch base with the outside world too while I’m at it! And submit some short stories! GAK)