Out of the Frying Pan!

Found a lovely surprise on my doorstep this morning: my author copy of Out of the Frying Pan! The pub date is April so I wasn’t expecting to see it so soon. It’s such a great looking book and the stories are amazing. Was flicking through it this afternoon and before I knew it I’d already read two of them.

Can’t find it on the publisher’s website yet, so in lieu of a link I give you ‘Navi, passing her judgement on the book’. But don’t listen to her, she disapproves of everything.

Navi book

Stick a fork in this draft, it’s done

Draft the second is officially DONE. Completed. OVER.

New word count comes in at 116,600 up from 113,100. But, the most telling part? I cut (ready for this?) almost 20,000 words of crap. So that means that I also wrote 23,000 new words of not crap. Oh, how I hope they’re not crap.

This is actually a good thing. Right at the moment I am so hot and so tired and have too-much-computer-screen eyes, so it’s getting a little difficult to look on the bright side, but I know there is one. Most of what I changed in this draft was from a very messy middle section. I revealed a few secrets that I had initially planned to reveal in the next book, and I think that has added a whole heap of extra conflict and some new, interesting dynamics. Also sliced out a whole plot point that made very little sense. Yeah, it’s not perfect yet. Beginning needs some more work. Ending too. But this is a stronger, tighter book. I’m certain of it.

I just need a few days away from it now.

So, the plan? I’m going to relax for a few days and catch up on some beta-reading. Then, I think I will reread Debris before I launch into draft the third, you know, just to touch base with the plot and the tone of the first book to ensure Suited is consistent. Then I’ll roll up my sleeves, sharpen the scissors again, and get back into it!

(Also, yeah, I know I haven’t blogged in almost a month. But… revisions… but… yeah, no excuse. Even my husband has told me that’s not good enough. Guess I need to touch base with the outside world too while I’m at it! And submit some short stories! GAK)

In another world?

Behind in my blog posting again, where is my head at the moment? Ah, I know. When a sff writer says ‘oh, sorry, I was in another world’ that means we’re hard at work… right?

So, what I have forgotten to mention is ‘Breathtaker’ — a quasi-romantic, quasi-apocalyptic short story of mine — will be coming out in ASIM issue #44. And it looks like that might be as soon as February! I’m really excited about this. This story popped into my head during a pranayam session at yoga (when I really should have been concentrating on my breath instead…*is bad*) survived a few reincarnations as I tried to work out what it was actually about, and finally came good with the help of my wonderful writing buddy, Rabia. I’m also thrilled that is was Felicity Dowker who said yes to it, as she is a writer who I greatly respect and admire.

What other world have I been in? What could possibly keep me from sharing this news as soon as possible?Why, that’s revision world, of course. I’m almost finished rebuilding the last in a series of scenes that I had to tear down and start from scratch. As per the page count I’m over 60% of the way through this draft and I can see the light from here! It’s getting there!

Back from the Aurealis Awards

Sadly, ‘Dragon Bones’ did not win. But regardless, I had a fantastic time. This was my first AA ceremony and what fun it was! The organisers put together a wonderful audio-visual display and read excerpts from some older Aussie spec-fic novels and stories in between each category. All-round an inspiring showcase of Aussie spec-fic awesomeness.

The post-award cocktail party was a blast. Of course, it was also very hot and stuffy – full of bodies – and got a little difficult to hear at some stages. Met new friends (waves to Sarah, Jane and Tim) and caught up with some old.

And here’s a couple of photos (stolen from Cat Sparks, I should add!)

(Donna Hanson, me, Trudi Canavan & Nicole Murphy)

(me, Sarah and Jenny)

Came home Sunday evening feeling exhausted but inspired. This is what I love about these kind of events – book launches, workshops and cons are the same. There is so much energy in a room full of people who all write, read and love spec fic that it’s infectious. It recharges the ‘I love doing this!’ batteries.

And yay for that.

Yes, I might be a sheep

But I am a sheep with a desk. Lots of interesting writerly type people are showing off their writing spaces, so I decided to join the party. Observe:


Do you see my ‘Aperture Science (your trusted friend in science)’ mug? The cuteness of the mac mini and the pico headphone amp attached to it? (audiophile husband strikes again) Sadly my trusty lower-back-saving cushion is almost hidden on the chair there. All it’s missing is the usual kitten accessories.

So there we have it.
