They keep coming!

And Midnight Echo #2 is also out, with my story Shadow of Drought in it. This is such a gorgeously produced mag, I’m so thrilled to see my name on that cover!


Dragon Bones!

ASIM #39 arrived today! Fantastic to see Dragon Bones in print. Even more exciting to see Jill and Molsey looking so good on the cover!


It helps

This makes me feel better. I mean, I know in my head that writing is a slow process and the business side of it can feel even slower, but the gut still sometimes needs to hear it. Particularly when Real Life is pushy, and even though you’re working hard it just seems to be taking so long.


Each new novel I write teaches me things. While this one is still too far from finished to know the full extent of these lessons, I have learned one thing already. I need to plan Writing and Real Life around each other better than I do. For example, it’s probably not a good idea to try and write a novel draft in the busiest month of the year. I should have known June = craziness, so don’t be writing a novel at that time. Revising, sure. Short stories, sure. But I haven’t had the mental space or the energy to sustain the kind of addictive writing that a novel brings with it.

For the past fornight I have managed to write and revise a short story. But that’s it. So now I have to get addicted to the novel again.

Work is trying to kill me

But I knew it was coming 🙂

This week we had our sales conference. That involves a lot of sitting, eating, listening, eating, discussing, more eating, and then a whole heap of work at the end. Maybe some more eating. It also meant that no writing was done, though lots of late nights, early mornings and ‘why did I eat so much cheese’ hangovers were had.

So now it’s time to pick up and keep writing. But thanks to all the sitting, I’m struggling to want to stay at this computer. The answer? Gardening of course! Going to play around in my newly-constructed no-dig garden, get some seeds growing, and then come back here, sit some more, and hopefully churn out a short story before novel-addiction bites again.