And we’re back!

The husband and I have just spent most of the past week at my parents’ place, a lovely property about 45mins outside of Tamworth in NSW. I have pictures – some of them involve fire! – and will update soon but at the moment my traditional ‘returning to the horrible dirty crowded city’ let-down has taken the form of nasty headaches and the computer screen is not helping. So, to tide everyone over, check out Wordwitch now up at A Fly in Amber!

Impressions: The Steel Remains

I don’t consider myself qualified to write reviews, as I’m not a critical reader. If I read something, I like it. And this is always true, because if I start something and don’t like it, I stop reading. At any point. Life is too short for bad books.

Harsh and judgemental? I don’t think so. Merely the result of a university literature degree. I promised myself I would never be forced to read another book I hated ever again.

So, because I don’t consider myself qualified to write a review of The Steel Remains by Richard Morgan, I’ll talk about my impressions of the book instead. *cough* If you want a plot summary or a blurb, follow the link.

First and most obvious: I liked it.

I was given an ARC of this title by a friend who works in a bookshop and knows my tastes well. Otherwise I might just have balked at the tag line on the back and not even bothered: ‘Fantasy is about to get real…’ My eyebrow rises even typing this.

I’m not going to launch into a rant about why that line, or more it’s implications, irritates me so much. But what I can’t avoid is how it coloured my approach to the book. It told me this book was going to be different from the normal fantasy fare. And really, it wasn’t. There was swearing, which might be considered gritty, but left the gate open for some sloppy writing. It might be ‘raw’, it might be ‘real’, but “Hey f**k you” gets boring pretty quickly. It has sex. Some graphic sex, both nasty and nice. Still waiting for the new here. Violence and gore. Yep, know that well. More importantly it has a ‘dark lord rising’, an aging once-hero whose name can still strike fear and who wields a special sword, and a motley group of fighters brought together to crack-wise at each other by the end. I looked for the ‘new’ – for the ‘real’ – because the back cover of the book told me to, and I didn’t find it.

But you know what, who cares? The Steel Remains kicks arse. It is good, solid, engaging fantasy. Could have hooked me stronger in the beginning, but by the middle I was holding it in one hand, reading while stirring dinner. The world and the characters stayed with me whenever I put the book down. I mulled over their choices and felt bad for them when bad things happened. I appreciated that the sexuality of more than one main character was not your usual hetero, and that this did not feel contrived. I liked the twisty ending. I could, if pushed, niggle about a few things. World building details that were never fully, well, detailed. At least to my liking. An uneven pace that, while really picking up at the end, should have done that earlier. An ending battle that just seemed a little anti-climatic. But – and isn’t this the real test – if there is a next one (and I hope there is!) I’ll be ready the day it comes out.

So there you go. Don’t need any claims of ‘realness’. Just need a good read.

A little short story in a big wide world

Wordwitch has sold to A Fly in Amber, and will be the feature story for their July issue. This story had a rough start to life, so I’m really pleased to see it taking steps into the big wide world out there.

Wish it luck, and I’ll let you know when it comes online!

The joy of rewrites

Chapter six is fighting me. I’m not sure what it is but something isn’t quite right. It has new characters, new magic, conflict, mc pushing herself too far, mc making mistakes and not making very many friends. But still, it’s not sitting well. A case of talking-heads syndrome, perhaps? Either way, it’s a job for tomorrow.

Headaches and a social life

And I’m not implying the two are linked :p

I’ve woken up every morning for most of this week with a headache. What’s up with that? Too much sitting in front of the screen? The prescription for my glasses getting old? Back/neck tension? Any thoughts on the curing of said headaches that doesn’t involve the disprin max I’ve been guzzling?

And unrelated to this, I’ve suddenly developed a social life. It comes in waves, you see, and at the moment we’re at high tide. Seeing people, drinking coffee, watching movies. Won’t last forever. Soon the keyboard will manacle itself to my wrist and I won’t go anywhere that isn’t my study. So I enjoy it while it lasts.