Guardian cover!

Well folks, I can finally share this with you! Guardian has a cover image, and I LOVES it!

I hope you loves it too 🙂

Guardian-CoverArt by the amazing Dion Hamill, and design by Amanda Rainey who is just awesome. With extra thanks to Tehani Wessely for all the reasons. All of them.

I’m so excited about this cover. It captures the book so well.

*stares at cover*

I shall attempt to be more coherent at a later date. For now, it’s just *stares*

Book three has a new name!

After a lot of consideration, book three of the Veiled Worlds is getting a new name.

I think Tehani says it best:

Changing a title can be a big decision, especially if promotion for the book has already begun, but, after much deliberation, Jo Anderton and I have decided to change the title of the forthcoming Veiled Worlds novel from Unbound to Guardian! We agreed that the title of Unbound (in addition to being very popular right now!), didn’t really represent the story as well as Guardian. 

This was a hard decision for me, because it’s been Unbound in my head for so long. I planned three books: Debris, Suited and Unbound. But when I actually sat down to write the trilogy, the story changed. And some part of me knew that Unbound didn’t quite fit anymore, but apparently I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that until my wonderful editor pointed it out. Writing can be like that sometimes 🙂

So Unbound is now Guardian, book three of the Veiled Worlds Trilogy. It’s coming out in June (yay!) and can still be pre-ordered at a special discount HERE.

And it has an awesome cover, let me tell you. Can’t wait until I can show you that!

Bone Chime won an AA!

I’m a little behind on posting this but it’s still exciting! The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories won the Aurealis Award for Best Collection! See:


The Award is very pretty (and also sharp! A good award should double as a weapon, right? 😉 ) It lives on the shelf behind me, and I keep looking over my shoulder just to check it’s real.

YAY for Bone Chime. You’re the little collection that could.

Aurealis Awards

photo (44)I know I’m a little behind with this post, but I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop…

Also, a very dear friend and I cooked and ate this trifle of death last night and I think I’m still suffering from the sugar-hangover.

Anyway, while I was eating this delicious monstrosity last night the Aurealis Awards finalists was announced. The list is amazing, so many awesome writers on there. Oh, and me.

The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories made the shortlist.

So did Mah Song and Fencelines, the two original short stories in the collection. (Mah Song is even on there twice…)

So did The Last Tiger, still live at Daily SF if you wanna check it out.

…That’s all kinds of crazy! Crazy awesome, yes. But still crazy!

*stares at shoes and waits for them to drop*

The full list of finalists is here. CONGRATS to everybody, it’s such an honour to be there with you. In particular my wonderful mentor Kaaron Warren, my darling scary-talented friend Thoraiya Dyer, and she-who-will-kick-my-arse Cat Sparks. So cool to see the Years Best from Ticonderoga, Focus 2012 and One Small Step from Fablecroft too!

Last year was a hard one for various reasons, and if I’m completely honest I had written it off. So to say I am surprised by  this is such a huge understatement.

Now excuse me while I go monitor those shoes…*shifty eyes*


Conflux Writers Day

So, have I mentioned that I’m one of the plenary speakers at the Conflux Writers Day in Canberra this April?

I haven’t made much of a fuss about this, mainly because *NERVES*… ahem. But you know, I think it’s going to be awesome, and I’m really excited to be involved. The theme of the day is ‘The Writers Journey’, which will be covered by four sub-themes – ‘Writing Skills’, ‘Writing Processes’, ‘Submission and Publication’ and ‘Building a Career’.

My theme is ‘Writing Skills’ and I’m going to talk about building working worlds from weird ideas. Because playing with ideas and shaping them into worlds and stories is what I love about writing the most! And it’s going to be fun, people, FUN! So much fun yours truly will totally forget to be nervous 🙂

The other plenary speakers are Kaaron Warren, Ian McHugh and Keri Arthur (and YES being in that company is probably responsible for most of my nerves!!) but there are a bazillion other presentations going on during the day, and I’m really looking forward to attending as many of them as I can. Oh yes, and then the Aurealis Awards is on!

Sound good? You can check it out and register and all that here. Come and join in the fun (and have a drink with me after, which I will surely need… maybe not at 11am but that evening, definitely!)