Short stories: more than just filling in the time between novels

So, while I wait for the novel brain to recover, I’m playing with short stories. That sounds like I don’t appreciate my short stories for who they are, but I do, really *pets them and hopes they don’t get offended and walk off in a huff*

I’ve always felt that short story writing and novel writing complement, even feed into each other. It’s like short stories is yoga and novel writing is jogging but they both contribute to a healthy back? (yeah, I have back-health on the brain at the moment). Anyway, at the moment I’m using these short stories to experiment with tenses. I have a story originally written in first person present, but now we’re trying past tense on for size, then comparing the two, and seeing what works. It’s really interesting to see what a difference it makes to the voice, and even the way it seems to change what the story is trying to say.

Yesterday we were playing with POV. And in between we have been writing new words in a story about rain… kinda.

Anyway, I think this post is starting to make me sound a little crazy, so I’m going to go back to my pot of jasmine tea.


  1. Joanne, I totally agree, you do sound crazy. I mean, like, I admire you and all – but rewriting the whole story in another voice just to see what it sounds like! Very Tim Winton, if you ask me. Of course, no one does.
    So, this is why you are so good, eh? You work at the craft; damn, isn’t there a pill or something I could take. Can I call Jenny? lose 10 adverbs in 10 days.

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