Discipline and Rhythm

I am a creature of habit and I get very disturbed if those habits are broken. If, for example, my morning routine (centred almost entirely on the consumption of a nice cup of coffee) is upset then woe be to anyone who has to deal with me for the rest of the day.

Writing is not exempt from this. Actually, I think it is highly dependant on it. The rhythm of my routine — when I write, how many words and how many hours — is the source of my addiction. When it is disturbed — by cons, for example, and/or illness — then I flounder and I procrastinate and I generally make myself miserable.

The solution? Discipline. Sitting my butt in this chair and struggling until I find that rhythm again. It’s like running. When I’m out of shape, the first couple of weeks are horrible and I would much, much rather spend those forty five minutes, three times a week, lying on the couch and eating peanut butter. BUT, once I get to the stage where I can breathe again and my legs don’t feel like they’re going to fall off — once I get the rhythm going — then I’m addicted. And woe be to anyone who disrupts that routine.

Hmm. There’s a lot of woe in this post. I was going to say ‘I’m not really that scary…’ But, well, you know. That would be lying wouldn’t it.

Why am I rambling about this? Because it’s time to sit my butt in this chair, and work on that discipline thing.


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  1. Off you go then!

  2. mmmmm… peanut butter.

    Did I say that out loud?

  3. Mmmm peanut butter….

  4. Discipline? I have heard of this intriguing concept but, I must admit, it is a stranger to me. Pass the peanut butter, please.

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