Don’t mean to complain…

After all, I put those lovely post-it notes there myself. And re-writing the first three and the final three chapters is sound. But right now the couch, with its chocolate and video games and DVDs, is just so tempting…

Anyone got brilliant ideas on how to keep focused on the project at hand? Anything that can compete with Toblerone and Fraiser?


Ahh (that’s me taking a deep breath cuz I’ve been, you know, under water the whole time so, like, holding my breath. The analogy… from last post… oh forget it!)

Read like that, printed out and over three days, Debris is almost like a real book. How shocking. Of course, now I have a large pile of papers with scribbles and post-it notes, but still. Kind of like a real book. Or, on its way to becoming a real book. How does that sound?

Prepared for the plunge

This weekend will involve diving headlong into a large pile of paper on my desk. Don’t expect to surface until I’ve swum right through the lot of them.

Wish me luck.

*takes a deep breath*

Send goggles.

This is where I fall over

First revision of Debris is done. *Whew* It’s printed off, sitting on my desk, awaiting the next sweep. There are a few things I want to tackle before I send it to my darling beta readers. (Guys, love you all!)

The first draft clocked in at 117,430 words. This one 116, 694. This is not at all indicative of the level of change. I cut fiercely, I filled in gaps. I think it’s a different book to its first incarnation, but only time and a printed version will tell.

But that’s for tomorrow. Tonight, I might put some dishes away into my semi-complete kitchen, listen to music and let the thoughts settle. Tomorrow, I will buy highlighers, pens, post-it notes *stationary drool*. And then it’s on for young and old!

Black Box!

My contributor’s copy of Black Box arrived today! Oh, it is so pretty. And that’s just the outside. The e-anthology is amazing, so slick and professional. But that’s hardly surprising coming from Brimstone Press.

So if you’re in the mood for dark flash-fiction, artwork, and music I can only say grab it! It’s for a good cause (all profits will go toward the AHWA) and you won’t regret it 🙂